Vocabulary – Junior Samples
Cue Cards Noun in broadcasting, a large card containing the words
that somebody is to say, held up out of sight of
the viewing audience
Hee Haw Noun an American television variety show featuring country
music and humor with fictional rural Kornfield Kounty
as a backdrop.
Carpentry Noun the work or occupation of building and repairing
things made of wood such as houses and boats, or
the wooden parts of them
Novelty Noun something new, original, and different that is
interesting or exciting, though often for only a
short time
Format Noun the layout and presentation of something
Hillbillies Noun a term used by people from the country to
describe themselves with pride, but used by
others as an insult for people whom they regard
as ignorant and unsophisticated
Sketches Noun a quick comic routine or piece of acting that is
part of a variety show or comedy revue