Georgia Vocabulary Lists

Lamar Dodd

Vocabulary – Lamar Dodd Vocabulary List Association Championed Generations Influence Renowned Thrived Glossary Association: noun; a friendship or connection of persons, things, or ideas by some common factor; union. Championed: to defend or support. Generations: noun; the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time. Influence: verb; the capacity or power […]

Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon

Vocabulary – Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon Colonists Endured Establish Natives Settlement Toll Glossary Colonists: noun; people who have left their country to form in a new land a settlement subject to the parent country. Endured: verb; to continue to exist; last. Establish: to create, organize, or form something permanently. Natives: noun; people indigenous or original […]

Clark Howell

Vocabulary – Clark Howell Advocated Artillery Campaign Confidant Crusading Disenfranchising Indelible Tensions Glossary Advocated: noun to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly. Artillery: noun; troops or the branch of an army concerned with the use and service of mounted projectile-firing guns or missile launchers, mobile or stationary, light […]

Worcester v. Ga.

Vocabulary – Worcester v. Ga Abolished Annexed Convicted Landmark Missionaries Residency Resolve Sovereign Seize Glossary Abolished: verb; to do away with; put an end to; destroy, make obsolete. Annexed: verb; attached to something larger or more important. Convicted: verb; to prove guilty of an offense, especially after a legal trial. Landmark: adjective; a significant or […]

Joseph Wheeler Born

Vocabulary – Joseph Wheeler Born Cavalry Distinction Embodiment Frontier Promoted Rebels Reunion Theater Glossary Cavalry: noun; the part of a military force composed of troops that serve on horseback. Distinction: noun; marking or treating with special honor, attention, or favor. Embodiment: noun; the state of personifying or exemplifying in actual form. Frontier: noun; the land […]

Horace King Born

Vocabulary – Horace King Born Engineer Extraordinary Lattice Recognized Renowned Tangible Glossary Engineer: noun; a person trained and skilled in the design, construction, and use of machines. Extraordinary: adjective; beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established. Lattice: noun; a structure of crossed wooden or metal strips usually arranged to form a diagonal pattern of […]

Alonzo Herndon

Vocabulary – Alonzo Herndon Successful Formal Elegant Operated Elite Ambitious Invested Enterprising Glossary Successful: Adjective, having attained wealth, position, honors, or the like. Formal: adjective, being in accordance with the usual requirements, customs, etc.; conventional Elite: adjective, representing the most choice or select; best. Invested: verb, to use, by purchase or expenditure, in something offering […]

Heart of Atlanta Hotel

Vocabulary – Heart of Atlanta Hotel Antidiscrimination Bigotry Commerce Dismantled Enforcing Infringement Outlawed Overzealous Patrons Provision Segregationist Staunch Touted Unanimous Glossary Antidiscrimination: adjective; opposed to treating or making distinction. in favor or against, a person or thing based on the group or class to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit. […]

Thomas Milton Rivers

Vocabulary List Bacteria Corps Diagnosed Inducted Paralysis Vaccines Virology Virus Glossary Bacteria: noun; microorganisms made up of a single cell that has no distinct nucleus. Corps: noun; a military body with a specific function. Diagnosed: verb; to determine the identity of a disease or illness by a medical examination. Inducted: verb; to bring in as […]

William T. Sherman Captures Atlanta

William T. Sherman Captures Atlanta Abandon Ammunition Assured Campaign Captured Defeat Immortalized Manufacturing Surrendered Telegraphed Virtually Glossary Abandon: verb; to leave completely and finally; desert. Ammunition: noun; the material fired, shot, or detonated from any weapon. Assured: verb; to cause to know surely; guaranteed. Campaign: noun; military operation for a specific objective. Captured: verb; to […]