Georgia Vocabulary Lists

Spanish Flu

Vocabulary – Spanish Flu Barracks Devastating Gauze Pandemic Quarantined Spared Trenches Glossary Barracks: noun; a building or group of buildings used to accommodate military personnel. Devastating: adjective; extremely effective in a destructive way. Gauze: noun; a light, open-weave fabric made of cotton when used for surgical dressings. Pandemic: adjective; a disease prevalent throughout an entire […]

Jimmy Carter

Vocabulary – Jimmy Carter Ambitious Dismay Embarked Inflation Reform Resigned Glossary Ambitious: adjective; having an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction and the willingness to strive for its attainment. Dismay: verb; to dishearten thoroughly; to fill with discouragement. Embarked: to start an enterprise, business, some new venture. Inflation: noun; a progressive rate […]

John Donald Wade

Vocabulary – John Donald Wade Dilemma Seminal Ridiculed Progress Superior Glossary Dilemma: noun; a situation in which somebody must choose one of two or more unsatisfactory alternatives Seminal: adjective; highly original and influential Ridiculed: verb; to reduce or dismiss the importance or quality of somebody or something in a contemptuous way Progress: noun; the general […]

Zell Miller


Battle of Chikamauga

Vocabulary – Battle of Chikamauga Casualties Collided Decisively Flanked Gateway Objective Retreat Strategy Tactical Theater Glossary Casualties : noun; members of the armed forces lost to service through death, wounds, sickness, capture, or because of his or her whereabouts or condition cannon be determined. Collided: verb; to come into violent contact; clash, impact. Decisively: adjective; […]

“Ma” Rainey

Vocabulary – “Ma” Rainey Incorporate Minstrel Persona Protégée Raspy Vaudeville Glossary Incorporate: verb; to put or introduce into a body or mass as an integral part or parts. Minstrel: noun; one of a group of comedians, usually white men made up as black performers, presenting songs and jokes. Persona: noun; a person’s perceived or evident […]

Siege of Savannah

Vocabulary – Siege of Savannah Allies Assault Bombarded Reinforcements Siege Strategy Surrender Glossary Allies: noun; a person, group, or nation that is associated with another or others for some common cause or purpose. Assault: noun; the stage of close combat in an attack. Bombarded: verb; to attack or batter with artillery fire. Reinforcements: noun; an […]

Byron Herbert Reece

Byron Herbert Reece Garnered Heritage Literary Nominated Novelist Published Spare Glossary Garnered: verb; to get, acquire, or earn. Heritage: noun; a way of life or anything that has been transmitted from the past or handed down by tradition. Literary: adjective; pertaining to the nature of books and writings. Nominated: verb; to propose someone for appointment […]

Viola Ross Napier & Bessie Kempton

Vocabulary – Viola Ross Napier & Bessie Kempton: First Woman elected to GA General Assembly Championed Inducted Legislature Milestone Pioneers Pursued Glossary Championed: verb; a person who fights for or defends any person or cause. Inducted: verb; to install in an office or position, especially with formal ceremonies. Legislature: noun; a deliberative body of elected […]

Carving Resumed Stone Mountain

Vocabulary – Carving Resumed Stone Mountain Defiance Envisioned Galvanized Memorial Potent Prominent Proposed Renowned Segregated Supremacy Glossary Defiance : noun; a daring or bold resistance to authority or to any opposing force. Envisioned : verb; to picture mentally, especially some future event or events. Galvanized : verb; to startle into sudden activity; stimulate. Memorial: noun; […]