Georgia Vocabulary Lists

James Brown

Vocabulary – James Brown Abandoned Abject Petty Influential Pioneered Glossary Abandoned: verb; to leave completely and finally; to give up or desert. Abject: adjective; utterly hopeless, miserable, or humiliating. Petty: adjective; of little or no importance; relatively minor or trivial. Influential: adjective; having or exerting the capacity to compel the actions, behavior, or opinions of […]

Cumberland Island

Vocabulary – Cumberland Island Ecological Dunes Maritime Marshes Mission Acquire Glossary Ecological: adjective; related to the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment. Dunes: noun; a sand hill or sand ridge formed by the wind, usually in desert regions or near lakes and oceans. Maritime: adjective; relating to […]

Howard Finster

Vocabulary – Howard Finster Album Exhibitions Literally Permanent Religious Glossary Album: noun; a phonograph record containing several musical selections. Exhibitions: noun; a public display, as of the work of artists or artisans. Literally: adverb; actually; without exaggeration or inaccuracy. Permanent: adjective; existing perpetually, especially without significant change. Religious: adjective; infused with or displaying a fundamental […]

Lewis Grizzard

Vocabulary – Lewis Grizzard Ambivalence Chronicled Conservative Deprecating Immigrants Journalism Syndicated Glossary Ambivalence: noun; the simultaneous existence of two opposed and conflicting attitudes and emotions. Chronicled: verb; recorded events in the order in which they occurred. Conservative: adjective; disposed to preserve existing conditions or institutions or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change. Deprecating: […]

Lyman Hall

Vocabulary – Lyman Hall Chartered Ordained Delegates Exception Ministry Resume Thrives Glossary Chartered: verb; to establish enable, or convey by issuing a document defining the conditions, rights, and privileges of an institution, corporate body, or colony. Delegates: noun; persons designated to act for or represent another or others, as in a political convention. Exception: noun; […]

Scottish Highlanders

Vocabulary – Scottish Highlanders Disembarked Abandoned Conflict Critical Solidified Glossary Disembarked: verb; to go ashore from a ship. Abandoned: adjective; deserted; forsaken. Conflict: noun; a struggle or clash between opposing forces; battle. Critical: adjective; of decisive importance with respect to the outcome; crucial. Solidified: verb; to unite firmly.

Paul Anderson

Vocabulary – Paul Anderson Bright’s disease Championship Cold War Conquering Derrick Records Glossary Bright’s disease: noun; a common inflammation of the kidneys named after Richard Bright, the British physician who first described it. Championship: noun; a series of competitions or contest to determine a winner of all defeated opponents. Cold War: noun; rivalry after World […]

Maynard Holbrock Jackson

Vocabulary – Maynard Holbrock Jackson Budget Contractors Incumbent Polarized Terminal Tribute Glossary Budget: noun; a total sum of money set aside or needed for a purpose, as a construction budget. Contractors: noun; a person who makes an agreement with another party or parties to perform work at a certain price or rate. Incumbent: adjective; holding […]

Justice Clarence Thomas

Vocabulary – Justice Clarence Thomas Affirmative Action Conservative Controversial Devout Encountering Harassment Seminary Glossary Affirmative Action: noun; referring to various government policies that aim to increase the proportion of African Americans, women, and other minorities in jobs and educational institutions historically dominated by white men. Conservative: adjective; disposed to preserve existing conditions and institutions or […]

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Vocabulary – Martin Luther King, Jr. Pastor Ordained Boycott Philosophy Prominent Committed Nobel Peace Prize Glossary Pastor: noun; a minister or priest in charge of a church Ordained: adjective; selected or appointed to preside over. Boycott: verb; to stop buying or using or to prevent dealings with. Philosophy: noun; a system of principles for guidance […]