Georgia Vocabulary Lists

Senator Richard Brevard Russell, Jr

Vocabulary – Senator Richard Brevard Russell, Jr. Championed Fierce Opponent Military Instillation Appropriation Glossary Championed: verb; to defend, support, or promote a cause or person Fierce: adjective; deeply and intensely felt and often aggressively expressed Opponent: noun; somebody who opposes a course of action, or a cause or belief Military Instillation: noun; A base, camp, […]

Crawford Long

Vocabulary – Crawford Long Debt Firsthand Excruciating Alleviate Hypnotism Ether Frolic Nitrous Oxide Alleviate Chemist Anesthetic Glossary Debt: noun, the condition of owing something to somebody Firsthand: adverb; obtained directly from an original source, and not via somebody else Excruciating: adjective; extremely painful, physically or emotionally Alleviate: verb; to make something such as pain or […]

Juliette Gordon Low

Vocabulary – Juliette Gordon Low Abandoned Bouts Extensively Founder Merchant Voluntary Glossary Abandoned: adjective; left completely; forsaken, deserted. Bouts: noun; a trial of strength; a turn at work or any action. Extensively: adjective; far-reaching; comprehensive; thorough. Founder: noun; a person who starts or establishes something on a firm basis. Merchant: noun; a person who buys […]

Von Gammon

Vocabulary – Von Gammon Ban Bill Cherished Disbanding Fatally Galvanized Gridiron Memorial Outlawing Proclaimed Glossary Ban: verb; to prohibit, forbid, or stop. Bill: noun; a form or draft of a proposed statute or law presented to a legislature, but not yet enacted or passed and made into a law. Cherished: verb; to hold or treat […]

Duane Allman

Vocabulary – Duane Allman Generation Hailed Movement Seminal Session Glossary Generation: noun; the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time. Hailed: verb; to acclaim or applaud; approve enthusiastically. Movement: noun; a group of people with a common ideology. Seminal: adjective; highly original and influencing the development of future events. Session: […]

Bombing of Hebrew Benevolent Temple in Atlanta, GA

Vocabulary – Bombing of Hebrew Benevolent Temple in Atlanta, GA Synagogue Anti-Semitism Reminiscent Integration Segregation Lynching Editorials Acquitted Moderation Glossary Synagogue: noun; a Jewish house of worship, often having facilities for religious instruction. Anti-Semitism: noun; discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews, Reminiscent: adjective; awakening memories of something similar; suggestive. Integration: noun; the free […]

Dahlonega Gold Rush

Vocabulary – Dahlonega Gold Rush Gold Miners Swarmed Intrusion Ounce Dome Tragedy Glossary Gold: noun, a soft, heavy, corrosion-resistant, yellow metallic element that is highly valued, found in underground veins and alluvial deposits. Use: jewelry, alloys. Miners: noun, somebody who works in a mine digging for minerals Swarmed:verb, to move or gather in a large […]

Atlanta Braves Win World Series

Vocabulary – Atlanta Braves Win World Series Consecutive Existence Franchise Highlights Laughingstock Manager Pennants Glossary Consecutive: adjective; following one another in uninterrupted succession or order. Existence: noun; the state of actually being. Franchise: noun; the right or license granted by a company to an individual or group to market its products or services in a […]

Muhammad Ali

Vocabulary – Muhammad Ali Appeal Banned Commission Declaring Drafted Launched Promoter Triumphant Glossary Appeal: noun; an application or proceeding for review by a higher tribunal. Banned: verb; to prohibit by law; forbid, bar. Commission: noun; a group of persons authoritatively charged with particular functions. Conscientious Objector: noun; one who refuses on moral or religious grounds […]

King George II

Vocabulary – King George II Astute Buffer Namesake Persuaded Prematurely Quarreled Succeeded Glossary Astute: adjective; of keen penetration of discernment; clever, ingenious, or shrewd. Buffer: noun; a person or thing that lessens shock or protects from damaging impact or circumstances. Namesake: noun; a person or thing named after another. Persuaded: verb; to induce to believe […]