Georgia Vocabulary Lists

Joseph Emerson Brown

Vocabulary – Joseph Emerson Brown Confederate Policy Governorship Centralized Ardent Foe Tyrant Reconstruction Forged Alliance Triumvirate Independent Glossary Confederate: noun; supporter of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War Policy: noun; a program of actions adopted by a person, group, or government, or the set of principles on which they are based Governorship: […]

Georgia Aquarium

Vocabulary – Georgia Aquarium Aquarium Substantial Philanthropy Heritage Institute Anthrax Glossary Aquarium: noun; container for fish, a water-filled transparent container, often box-shaped, in which fish and other water animals and plants are kept Substantial: adjective; large, meaningful, considerable in amount, extent, value, or importance Philanthropy: noun; a desire to improve the material, social, and spiritual […]

Abraham Baldwin

Vocabulary – Abraham Baldwin Chaplaincy Stellar Staunchly Earmarked Charter Establishing Delegates Glossary Chaplaincy: noun; time spent as a member of the clergy employed to give religious guidance, e.g. to members of the armed forces, schoolchildren, or prisoners Stellar: adjective; exceptionally good Staunchly: adjective; showing loyalty, dependability, and enthusiasm Earmarked: verb; to select and reserve government […]

Rebecca Latimer Felton

Vocabulary – Rebecca Latimer Felton Steadfastly Suffrage Legislator Staunchly Promoted Progressive Reforms Prejudice Lynching Gesture Credentials Glossary Steadfastly: adjective; firm and unwavering in purpose, loyalty, or resolve Suffrage: noun; the right to vote in public elections. In this case the right of women to vote Legislator: noun; lawmaker, a writer of or voter on laws, […]

Johnny Mercer

Vocabulary – Johnny Mercer Accentuate Jazz Spanned Revolutionized Nominated Industry Pursued Glossary Accentuate: verb; draw attention to something, emphasize something, make it more noticeable Spanned: verb; to reach or extend over or across something Nominated: verb; to suggest somebody for appointment or election to a position or for an honor or award Pursued: verb; to […]

Three Governors Controversy

Vocabulary – Three Governors Controversy Bizarre Appointed Controversy Term Vacate Dynasty Inauguration Occupied Vacancy Mounting Bizarre: adjective; very strange, amusingly strange or unusual Term: noun; period of time a person holds an appointment or office Inauguration: noun; the formal act of placing somebody in an official position or a ceremony held for this purpose Vacancy: […]

Thomas Brewer

Vocabulary – Thomas Brewer Unsung Lobbied Outraged Professional Routinely Financially Desegregation Initiated Confrontation Glossary Unsung: adjective; not praised or honored, not given the praise or honor that is due Professional: adjective; relating to or belonging to a profession. Engaged in an occupation as a paid job Financially: adjective: connected with money, relating to or involving […]

March to the Sea

Vocabulary – March to the Sea Audacious Controversial Foraged Demoralized Glossary Psychological Liberate Desert Bondage Glossary Audacious: adjective; bold, daring, or fearless, especially in challenging assumptions or conventions Controversial: adjective; provoking strong disagreement or disapproval, e.g. in public debate Psychological: adjective; affecting, or intending to affect the mind or mental process. Desert: verb; to abandon […]

Alexander Stephens

Vocabulary – Alexander Stephens Secession Premature Adamant Exhausting Quarrelling Dominant Patriotism Staunchly Misgivings Glossary Secession: noun; the withdrawal from the Union of 11 Southern States in 1860-1861 that led to the formation of the Confederacy and the beginning of the Civil War Premature: adjective; happening too soon. occurring, existing, or developing earlier than is expected, […]

John B. Gordon

Vocabulary – John B. Gordon Staunch Proponent “New South” Creed Cult Lost Cause Staunch: adjective; showing loyalty, dependability, and enthusiasm Proponent: noun; somebody who advocates something New South: noun, The term “New South” was popularized by influential Georgians such as Joseph E. Brown, Alfred H. Colquitt, and John B. Gordon. To these three influential Georgians, […]