Georgia Vocabulary Lists

War of 1812

Vocabulary – War of 1812 Treaty Noun a formal contract or agreement negotiated between countries or other political entities Allies Noun a person, group, or state that is joined in an association with another or others for a common purpose Blockade Noun an organized action to prevent people or goods entering or leaving a place […]

Wesleyan College

Vocabulary – Wesleyan College Equality Noun The state of being equal, rights, treatment, quantity, or value equal to all others in a specific group Grant Verb To give Degrees Noun a title awarded by a university or college following successful completion of a course of study or period of research, or a similar title granted […]

Sherman in Savannah

Vocabulary – Sherman in Savannah Ammunition Noun bullets, shells, missiles, and other projectiles used as weapons Captured Verb to seize or gain control over a place Unprecedented Adjective Having no previous event to compare to. Devastated Verb To cause severe or widespread damage Demoralized Verb to destroy the courage, confidence, or hope of a person […]

Josh Gibson

Vocabulary – Josh Gibson Trade School Noun A school that trains its students in a particular trade such as plumbing or auto mechanics Towering Adjective Rising very high Prodigious Adjective Great in amount, size, or extent. Very impressive and large Consecutive Adjective One right after the other. Following one after another without a break Disputed […]

Dean Rusk

Vocabulary – Dean Rusk Architect Noun somebody who creates or invents something Opposed Adjective Disagreeing with or taking an active stance against somebody or something Appeasement Noun the political strategy of calming a potentially hostile nation in the hope of avoiding war, often by granting concessions Tyranny Noun oppressive government by one or more people […]

Thomas Paine

Vocabulary – Thomas Paine Patriot Noun Someone who supported the American independence from the British. A supporter of the American Revolution Demoralization Verb To take away the courage, confidence, or hope of a person or group Propaganda Noun Information put out by an organization or government to promote a policy, idea, or cause. The propaganda […]

13th Amendment Officially Ratified

Vocabulary – 13th Amendment Officially Ratified Ratified Verb to give formal approval to something, usually an agreement negotiated by somebody else, in order that it can become valid or operative Amendment Noun an addition or alteration to a motion, bill, or constitution Abolished Verb to put an end to something such as a law Ironically […]

Erskine Caldwell

Vocabulary – Erskine Caldwell Desperation Noun a condition of being without hope Seared Verb Burn or scorch a mark Grinding Adjective oppressive and relentless Poverty Noun the state of not having enough money to take care of basic needs such as food, clothing, and housing Plight Noun a difficult or dangerous situation, especially a sad […]

Jesse Mercer

Vocabulary – Jesse Mercer Religious Liberty Noun The ability to practice your religion freely as long as it does not harm others Migrated Verb to move from one region or country to another, often to seek work or other economic opportunities Ordained Verb to appoint somebody officially as a priest, minister, or rabbi Institution Noun […]

“Gone With the Wind” Premiere

Vocabulary – “Gone With the Wind” Premiere Popular Adjective Well – liked; liked by a person or group of people Romanticized Verb to make something seem or believe something to be more glamorous or ideal than it really is Imagination Noun the part of the mind where ideas, thoughts, and images are formed Miraculous Adjective […]