Georgia Vocabulary Lists

Thomas Dorsey

Vocabulary – Thomas Dorsey Tragedy Noun A very sad or disastrous event Spirituals Noun A religious song, especially ones coming from African-American culture Influenced Verb To have affected somebody – to change or influence someone Composing Verb to create a piece of music Sacred Adjective Relating to or used in religious worship Fused Verb Combined, […]

Archibald Bulloch

Vocabulary – Archibald Bulloch Chief Executive Noun the highest-ranking member of an executive body, e.g. the head of a government or the governor of a U.S. state Revolutionary Adjective relating to the war with Great Britain fought by the American colonists Provincial Adjective Belonging to or coming from a particular administrative region or division of […]

Eliza Frances Andrews

Vocabulary – Eliza Frances Andrews Non-conformist Adjective Unconventional, not conforming to an accepted pattern of behavior Fluent Adjective able to speak a language effortlessly and correctly Staunch Adjective Showing loyalty, dependability, and enthusiasm Unionist Noun Loyalty to the federal union during the Civil War Secessionist Noun Supporter of the secession movement leading up to the […]

DeForest Kelley

Vocabulary – DeForest Kelley Phaser Noun A fictional weapon used in science fiction movies. The gun uses lasers and can be set to kill, injure, or stun the enemy. Immortal Adjective Never dying, will be remembered for a long time. Prospered Verb To be successful Hitch Noun a period of time spent in military service […]

Georgia Secedes from the Union

Vocabulary – Georgia Secedes from the Union Secession Noun Withdrawal of Southern states from the Union Populous Adjective Highly populated Crucial Adjective Greatest significance in determining an outcome. Provocative Adjective Making people angry or excited on purpose. Declaration Noun Formal statement Irony Noun humor based on using words to suggest the opposite of their literal […]

Oliver Hardy

Vocabulary – Oliver Hardy Duo Noun a pair of closely related people. In this case a pair of actors who often appear together. Comedy Noun Funny play, movie, or book Tribute Noun Something said or given to show gratitude, praise, or admiration. Bumbling Adjective Clumsy, speaking or behaving in a clumsy or confused way Whimpering […]

William Washington Gordon

Vocabulary – William Washington Gordon Industry Noun Large-scale production Instrumental Adjective Playing an important part in achieving a result or accomplishing a purpose Interior Noun The inside of something, in this case the inside of a geographic area Distinguished Adjective well known and respected for an achievement, skill, knowledge, or talent Politics Noun Activities associated […]

Lafayette McLaws

Vocabulary – Lafayette McLaws Court-Martial Noun A military court that tries members of the military and others for offenses under military law Neglect Verb To fail to do something, especially because of carelessness, forgetfulness, or indifference. Commission Noun An appointment to the rank of officer in the armed forces, or a document conferring such a […]

Jefferson Long

Vocabulary – Jefferson Long Setting Type Verb Preparing type to print newspaper or other publications Prominent Adjective Important, well-known in the community, influential Reconstruction Noun the period of U.S. history from 1865 through 1877, during which the states that had seceded during the Civil War were reorganized under federal control and later restored to the […]

Julian Bond

Vocabulary – Julian Bond Quaker Noun a member of the Society of Friends, a Christian denomination founded in England in the 17th century that rejects formal sacraments, ministry, and creed, and is committed to non-violence. At meetings members are encouraged to speak when they feel moved to do so. Nonviolent Noun the principle of refraining […]