Georgia Vocabulary Lists

Jesse Jewell

Vocabulary – Jesse Jewell Roost Noun Place where birds sleep Native Adjective Born or coming from a place Poultry Noun domestic birds in general, e.g. chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for meat or eggs Civil Engineering Noun Civil engineers design things. These might be roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, or water supply and […]

German Salzburgers Arrive in Georgia

German Salzburgers Arrive in Georgia Heralded Verb to give or be a sign that something is going to happen Distinctive Adjective uniquely characteristic of a person, group, or thing Archbishop Noun Highest-ranking bishop Expelled Verb Kick someone out of an organization or place Protestant Noun Any denomination of church that rejects the authority of the […]

Roy Barnes

Vocabulary – Roy Barnes

Tom Murphy

Vocabulary – Tom Murphy Legislature Noun An group of elected people with the power to make, change, and repeal laws Floor Leaders Noun leaders of their political parties in each of the houses of the legislature. Speaker of the House Noun the presiding officer of a legislative body such as the U.S. House of Representatives […]

Charles Wesley

Vocabulary – Charles Wesley Hark Verb To listen to somebody or something Herald Noun Somebody who brings or announces important news Divine Adjective Connected with, coming from, or caused by GOD Excelling Verb to be very good or outstanding Holy Adjective Set apart for religious purposes. Devoted to the service of God. Anglican Adjective Related […]

WAGA Premieres on Georgia Television Broadcasting

Vocabulary – WAGA Premieres on Georgia Television Broadcasting Comparatively Adverb In comparison with something else Audience Noun People watching or listening to a broadcast Commercial Adjective Done for profit. Done with the goal of making money Studios Noun a room or building equipped for making movies, television or radio productions, or musical recordings Literally Adverb […]

Ezzard Charles

Vocabulary – Ezzard Charles Native Adjective Coming from a geographic place. The place where you were born Golden Age Noun a period of great prosperity or achievement, especially in the arts Popularity Noun Fact of being well liked and admired by people in general or by a group of people Pantheon Noun a group of […]

Dred Scott Decision

Vocabulary – Dred Scott Decision Sued verb to take legal action against somebody to obtain something, usually compensation for a wrong Territories Noun a geographic area that is owned and controlled by a government or country. In the United States refers to land that had not yet been settled and turned to states Bound Adjective […]

Lachlan McIntosh

Vocabulary – Lachlan McIntosh Duel Noun a prearranged combat, especially in former times, between two people armed with lethal weapons, usually to settle a disagreement over a matter of honor Highland Scots Noun Scottish immigrants from the highlands region of Scotland. They had a reputation for being good soldiers Settlement Noun a place that has […]

Eighth Air Force

Vocabulary – Eighth Air Force Suffered Verb to experience or undergo something unpleasant or undesirable Casualty Rate Noun The number of armed forces members killed or injured in combat divided by the total number of armed forces members Strategic Adjective done with the intention of destroying an enemy’s military capability Targets Noun an area, surface, […]