Learn More – Georgia Charter Issued to Trustees
Kenneth Coleman, Colonial Georgia: A History (New York: Scribner, 1976).
Amos Aschbach Ettinger, James Edward Oglethorpe: Imperial Idealist (Oxford, Eng.:
Clarendon Press, 1936).
James Ross McCain, Georgia as a Proprietary Province: The Execution of a Trust (Boston: R.
G. Badger, 1917).
Robert G. McPherson, ed., The Journal of the Earl of Egmont: Abstract of the Trustees
Proceedings for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, 1732-1738 (Athens: University of Georgia
Press, 1962).
“Trustee Georgia, 1732-1752.” New Georgia
Encyclopedia. http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-816
Georgia Historical Society Three Centuries of Georgia
History: http://georgiahistory.com/containers/46#Colonygraph
Georgia Historical Society James Edward Oglethorpe:
The Royal Charter Establishing the Colony of
Georgia: http://cdm.sos.state.ga.us/cdm4/document.php?CISOROOT=/adhoc&CISOPTR=411&CISOSHO
Collections of the Georgia Historical Society (1840) Volume
1: http://www.archive.org/details/collectionsofgeo01geor