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July 2, 1964

Civil Rights Act of 1964

It was one of the most far-reaching Congressional acts in American history. In 1954, the Supreme Court weighed in in a big way against legalized bigotry. Its landmark decision in Brown v. Topeka Board of Education outlawed segregated schools. But the invigorated civil rights movement ran head-on into Massive Resistance, a resurgent KKK, and white […]

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Vocabulary – Civil Rights Act of 1964 Bigotry Noun Prejudice, racism, intolerance. Showing strong opinions in this case about ethnicity Social Order Noun They way a society is organized with some lower Segregated Adjective Separated by race or ethnic status Halting Adjective Having lots of stops or pauses. Hesitant, awkward Massive Resistance Noun a policy […]

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Learn More – Civil Rights Act of 1964 View a digital copy if the Civil Rights act on the National Archive’s Our Teaching With Documents: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Haskins, James and Kathleen Benson. The 60s Reader. New York: Viking Kestrel, 1988. Stephen G. […]

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Daily Activities – Civil Rights Act of 1964 The daily activities created for each of the Today in Georgia History segments are designed to meet the Georgia Performance Standards for Reading Across the Curriculum, and Grade Eight: Georgia Studies. For each date, educators can choose from three optional activities differentiated for various levels of student […]

Martin Luther King, Jr. (1964)

Daily Activities – Martin Luther King, Jr. (1964) The daily activities created for each of the Today in Georgia History segments are designed to meet the Georgia Performance Standards for Reading Across the Curriculum, and Grade Eight: Georgia Studies. For each date, educators can choose from three optional activities differentiated for various levels of student […]

August 28, 1963

Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech

It was 17 minutes that changed history. On August 28, 1963, native Georgian Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington. The speech is widely regarded as one of the most eloquent and memorable in American history. The March on Washington, coordinated by A. Phillip Randolph, […]

September 5, 1956

Heart of Atlanta Motel

It was touted as one of the finest hotels between New York and Miami, but its owner refused to rent rooms to black patrons. The Heart of Atlanta Motel, which opened on this day in 1956, would figure into the heart of a landmark civil rights case. Located at 255 Courtland Street, the motel was […]

MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

Daily Activities – MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech The daily activities created for each of the Today in Georgia History segments are designed to meet the Georgia Performance Standards for Reading Across the Curriculum, and Grade Eight: Georgia Studies. For each date, educators can choose from three optional activities differentiated for various levels of […]

James Earl Ray

Daily Activities – James Earl Ray The daily activities created for each of the Today in Georgia History segments are designed to meet the Georgia Performance Standards for Reading Across the Curriculum, and Grade Eight: Georgia Studies. For each date, educators can choose from three optional activities differentiated for various levels of student ability. Each […]

Coretta Scott King

Daily Activities – Coretta Scott King The daily activities created for each of the Today in Georgia History segments are designed to meet the Georgia Performance Standards for Reading Across the Curriculum, and Grade Eight: Georgia Studies. For each date, educators can choose from three optional activities differentiated for various levels of student ability. Each […]

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